Friday, February 17, 2017

Fairy Tale Stem Projects

Students traveled through three different classrooms today using their engineering skills to complete a variety of fairy tale themed STEM activities.  In Mrs. McFadden's classroom, the students were asked to create a raft for the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  In Mrs. Pericles' classroom, the students were asked to design a contraption that would carry Little Red Riding Hood's basket down a zip line to her grandmother's house.  In our classroom, the students were tasked with designing a latch for the 3 bears so that Goldilocks could not open their door and wreak havoc in their house.




Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Fraction Models

The students were introduced to fraction circles and fraction strips today.  These models were introduced to help the students compare fractions.  I allowed several minutes of "playtime" with these models before I began my lesson.  It was wonderful to see and hear the students making observations about the different sizes of the pieces and to see them exploring the concept of equivalent fractions.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Historical Perspectives for Children

Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring another wonderful program.  The children were treated to a presentation about the life of Benjamin Franklin.  The actor's portrayal transported the students back in time to when Ben was a young boy.  They were absolutely in awe as they watched Ben change from a young apprentice to a man in his last years of life.  Below you will find pictures of his transformation.  Please ask your child to tell you all about the presentation.