Friday, March 20, 2015

Moose Hill

The students had a fabulous time visiting Moose Hill in Sharon.  They learned all about the process of maple sugaring from tapping the trees to bottling the syrup.

Even though it was a chilly 38 degrees, we found a few drops of sap in the bucket.

the sugarhouse

a tasty treat


learning how to tap a tree

the old fashioned way of transporting the sap

Fossil Fun

We were treated to a visit with Serena's grandfather.  He is a fossil enthusiast.  He told the children about his travels around the world and how he came to own so many fossils.  Here are a few pictures from his visit.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Hands-On Science - Owl Pellets

The students really enjoyed their time in the science lab this morning.  Each student worked with a partner to dissect and investigate an owl pellet.  The students worked to separate and identify the different animal bones found in each pellet.  

owl pellet
fur and bones

Monday, March 2, 2015

Read Across America

We celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss today.  

The day began with a whole school assembly.

Donovan represented the third graders in the Trivia Challenge.
Reading baskets were given away in our NTA raffle.
Here are the happy winners.
Students took the Readers' Oath.
The students enjoyed some Seuss activities with their classmates.

We had birthday cake and hot chocolate.

The students finished their day by reading their socks off!